MAT200A 02W

Courses :MAT200A 02W :Report : Artificial Intelligence

schedule MAT200A 02W

Report by: Doug McCoy

What is Artificial Intelligence? Well there seems to be only slight agreement on that subject. Webster's Dictionary defines AI as "the capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior". Other give lengthy scientific or abstract philosophical definitions. But one that I found seems to fit quite well. Dr Russell Beale of the University of Birmingham's CS department is quoted as saying,

"AI can be defined as the attempt to get real machines to behave like the ones in the movies."

General Links about AI
Artificial Intelligence Tutorial Review
A General overview of AI by the AAAI
AI Timeline
Google search: AI

A few ways AI is being used in Research and Industry
Artificial Intelligence is a broad field with many real world applications. Many things from speech and image recognition to language translators to search engines to space exploration have elements of AI incorporated in them. Both scientists and artists have taken advantage of AI's inherent "learning and understanding" capabilities to enhance their creations.

Speech Recognition
Speech recognition is related to a computer's ability to convert spoken language to text.

Yahoo search: Speech Recognition

Natural Language Processing
The goal of Natural Language Processing (NLP) is to design and build a computer system that will analyze, understand, and generate languages that humans use naturally, so that eventually you can address your computer as though you were addressing another person.

Google search: NLP


Games Dedicated to the topic of AI in computer games

Software Agents
Software Agents are computer systems to which one can delegate tasks. Software agents differ from conventional software in that they are long-lived, semi-autonomous, proactive, and adaptive.

MIT Media Lab: Software Agents
Stanford University: Adaptive Intelligent Agents

Affective Computing
Affective computing is computing that relates to, arises from, or deliberately influences emotions.

MIT Media Lab: Affective Computing

A few ways AI is being used in Art

Stanford University

The Virtual Theater project  

MIT Media Lab
The Conductor's Jacket
Orpheus, the affective CD player
Synthetic Characters  

Naoko Tosa
Unconscious Flow  
Interactive Poem  
Romeo & Juliet in Hades  

Georgia Tech Topological Media Lab 

Harold Cohen
Ray Kurzweil's AARON screen saver

Ray Kurtzweil
Cybernetic Poet

More Links
Stephen Wilson