Problem Set #1
due 1/12/11
Create an account on the 594CM forums.

Sign up for the class forum and send a brief greeting to your classmates.

Create an account on (or another public project hosting repo).

Sign up for the free account on github (, create an ssh-key and add it to your github account ( There's a good overview of how to use git and manage projects on the github help center (

Create a repo for 594CM and add a simple OpenGL project.

Create an new repo named 594CM-(YourName). Then, inside your local repo, create and save a simple OpenGL project that uses GLUT or JOGL to perform some basic functionality. You can base your code on existing code (e.g., from the NeHe site) if you'd like. Include a README.txt which explains how to compile and run your code from the command line. Add the new file(s) to be tracked by git, commit them to the local repository, and then push these commits to the remote github repository. Make some changes and go thorugh the add/commit/push cycle again.

> git add (filenames) //this lets git start tracking the files
> git commit -a //this commits all tracked files to the local repository
> git push //this pushes the local commits to the remote repository (on github)

Post your username and the name of your git repository on the forum so that the other students and I can take a look at your project.