Problem Set #2
due 1/19/11

Draw two cubes: one +1 along the X axis, and one -1 along the X axis. For the left cube, make an additional smaller cube that orbits around the X-axis of the first cube while the first cube stays in place. For the second cube, make an additional smaller cube that rotates around Z-axis of the larger cube while the smaller cube rotates in place around its Y-axis.


Using a series of quad strips, draw a landscape made up of small tiles. The z component of each vertex will be offset by slightly different amount in order to create the effect of a mountain range. Position the landscape nicely at the bottom of the screen. Calculate the normals for each tile and add a sun that rises and sets across your landscape. Make a second version that uses triangle strips.


Create a scene out of a few GLU and GUT primitives, each with different material properties. Add at least two different spotlights. Move or rotate the objects and the lights in pleasing ways.


Make some simple models (only vertices, normals, and maybe texture coordinates) using Blender (or another modeling application). If you can, and load them into your OpenGL application and place them in your scene with lighting. We will go over this in more detail next week.