3D Visualization

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Joined: Wed Jan 11, 2017 10:42 am

Re: 3D Visualization

Post by merttoka » Mon Feb 27, 2017 2:56 pm

In this assignment, I wanted to explore the relationship between historical weather data of Seattle and check out information about the Library.

I started everything by acquiring the historical weather data for Seattle, which is downloaded from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA)'s Surface Data Hourly Global dataset (https://www7.ncdc.noaa.gov/CDO/cdopoema ... olution=40). The dataset contains entries starting from 2005 April and extends up to today. After getting rid of unnecessary columns, I ended up with the following dataset:

Code: Select all

DATE: Date of current item,
TIME: Time of current item,
DIR: Wind direction (0,360), 0 is North,
SPD: Speed of the wind in mph,
TEMPF: Temperature in F,
TEMPC: Temperature in C,
SLP: Sea Level Pressure
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After that, I retrieved items in the library and concatenated their Subject fields for each 6-hour period. This query took 5 hours in total and since single query that covers 2005 and 2017 timeouts, I had to query 6 month intervals and stitch resulting CSV files together. Resultant CSV file and the query as follows:

Code: Select all

    DATE(sth.checkOut) 'date',
    HOUR(sth.checkOut) 'hour',
    COUNT(*) 'count',
        SEPARATOR '\n') 'subjects'
        s.bibNumber, s.subject, t.checkOut
        spl_2016.transactions t
    JOIN spl_2016.subject s ON s.bibNumber = t.bibNumber
        t.checkOut >= '2005-04-19'
            AND t.checkOut <= '2017-01-01') AS sth
GROUP BY DATE(sth.checkOut) , FLOOR( HOUR(sth.checkOut) / 6)
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I, then, preprocessed this document in Python in order to get frequencies of each word in subject fields. While doing that, I utilized stemming and lemmatization module of NLTK library (http://www.nltk.org), which reduces inflectional forms and sometimes derivationally related forms of a word to a common base form (i.e. cars becomes car). This process gave me a list of words with their frequencies for the given time period. The code and resulting CSV is below:

Code: Select all

import csv
from array import * 
from datetime import datetime

import nltk
from nltk import word_tokenize
from nltk.stem.wordnet import WordNetLemmatizer
from nltk.probability import FreqDist
lmtzr = WordNetLemmatizer()

class Item(object):
    #date, time, count, subjects, titles
    def __init__(self, d, c, s):
        self.datetime = d
        self.count = c
        self.subjects = s

def getFrequencyList(sentence):
    tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(sentence)
    tokens = [w.lower() for w in tokens]
    lemmatized = []
    for x in range(len(tokens)):

    fdist1 = FreqDist(lemmatized)
    return fdist1.most_common(len(fdist1))
    # returns as [(',', 18713), ('the', 13721), ...

theArray = []
with open('words_05_17.csv', 'rt', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile:
    csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')
        for row in csvreader:
            if(row[0] != 'date'):            
                print("%s %s:00"%(row[0],row[1]))
                dt = datetime.strptime("%s %s:00"%(row[0],row[1]),'%Y-%m-%d %H:00')
                subject = ''
                for x in getFrequencyList(row[3]):
                    subject += "%s %s#"%(x[0], x[1])
                i = Item(dt, int(row[2]), subject)
    except UnicodeDecodeError:
        print("wrong read...")
    except UnicodeEncodeError:
        print("wrong read...")
with open('nltk_05_17.csv', 'wt', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile:
    csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile)
    for x in range(len(theArray)):
        csvwriter.writerow([theArray[x].datetime, theArray[x].count, theArray[x].subjects])
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When I read these files from Processing sketch, I created following class schema to accommodate the data as efficiently as possible.
Class Diagram
Here Keyword class keeps related information about each of the words, and the code keeps a collection for unique keywords by updating necessary fields if a duplicate occurs. Once file reading is completed, I sprinkled the word collection in space with respect to their Average Date, Average Temperature and Average Frequency values. Since frequency values are too condensed towards lower values, I used the log scale for that axis.
2017-2-27 14_28_32.png
Whenever the user starts to type something with the keyboard, the system will search the phrase inside of the keywords (Regex is allowed: http://regexr.com). On the right-hand side of the GUI, the search results are listed, and on the left side, the first word of the list is detailed. Also in the word cloud, search results are highlighted. The Time Barcode shape at the detail panel denotes usage dates of the current word, and the red line corresponds to its Average Date. Time barcode starts from the beginning of the data on its left (2005 April) and goes up to January 2017.
2017-2-27 14_35_40.png
In addition to these, it is possible to filter what's drawn inside the cube with sliders at the bottom-left.
2017-2-27 14_38_31.png
The left-most buttons focus the camera to a specific axis. Invert Colors option changes the color scheme from dark to light. Auto Rotation rotates the camera automatically, and Color Search option paints the words that are the result of the current search term in terms of their average temperature values.
2017-2-27 14_45_45.png
Light theme and colored search results
2017-2-27 14_47_28.png
Dark theme and colored search results
After using the visualization, a couple of minutes later I discovered that it shows a pattern on low-frequency items. Since these items only appear once in the dataset, their average temperature is the temperature they are used in. Since this is the case, Date-Temperature plane clearly shows seasonality (winter-summer differences in terms of temperature).
2017-2-27 14_51_42.png
Seasonality on low-frequency data
The source code (requires PeasyCam and ControlP5 libraries) is below:
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