ARTS 122 01SPR
Courses:ARTS 122 01SPR

Instructor: George Legrady
Phelps Hall 1517 (G4 lab) Tues-Thurs 2:00pm to 4:50pm

Envisioning Information Through Interactivity

Multimedia production with a focus on strategies of narrative for fine arts studio work. Production work to explore the organization and visualization of information expressed through complex, multi-linear structures. Emphasis is on innovative ways by which to conceptualize, design and create interactive media that go beyond the conventions of commercial productions. Students will be expected to demonstrate skills in three areas: creativity and conceptual thinking, interface design, and technical skills in production and Macromedia Director's Lingo programming language. The course will cover the basics of working with the Lingo programming language to control sprites and their properties, sounds, multiple events and texts. In addition, weekly seminar lectures will introduce theoretical topics related to the conceptualization and design of interactive media. These will include topics such as: non-linear narrative, interface metaphors, montage, mise-en-scene, virtual time and space, syllogisms, image/text relationships, information theory, noise-to-signal, semiotics and signs, storyboard production.

Prerequisites Satisfactory completion (B+ or better) of art 1A, art 1B, and Art 22, orequivalent.

References The following texts will be referred to in the seminar:
Hodges, Sasnett, Multimedia Computing, Addison Wesley, Chapters 4,5
Scott McCloud, Understanding Comics, HarperPerennial Press
Gary Rosenzweig, Special Edition, Using Director 8, Que pubblications
Advanced Reading:
Richard Coyne, Designing Information Technology in the Postmodern Age, MIT Press, Chapter 7
web research about virtual architecture, interactivity, new tecno based cultural trends, semiotics, comics, cinema, literature, music, etc.

Course Structure The quarter will be organized as follows:

Week 1-5 Introduction, and programming basics
Week 4-8 Theory and research
Week 6-9 Project production
Week 10 Project completion and Final presentation
First hour of both Tuesday and Thursday will consist of project presentations, explanation of concepts and technical demonstrations. After the introductory stage is complete, Thursdays will become lab time with individual student interaction

Grading 60% project (innovative concept 20%, good design 20%, technical skills 20%)
20% end of semester multiple choice and written test/quiz on course content
20% participation and attendance (more then 3 absences will jeopardize your passing the class)