
1990, Videoplace
  1990, Videoplace

Interactive media

Myron Krueger has designed a human-sized screen which reacts to the movements of the observer, who can thereby disappear at any moment into the scene shown. The special characteristic of this piece of research, which is already several years old now, is that the human body is used as an authentic interface device. As for Paul Garrin’s virtual dog, it becomes more and more aggressive as the observer approaches it. This is an interesting work, but it has one major limitation: if several people arrive at the same time in the dog’s field of vision, it is impossible to tell which one the dog is barking at. With more highly developed software it would be possible to have the dog react not only to the presence of a third person, but also to follow people about as they move. It is worth emphasizing the importance of co-operation between different disciplines in order to make artistic progress in this field

1990, Videoplace

Placed in front of luminous surfaces, video cameras interpret the moving silhouettes which share the same virtual space. For each situation the computer distinguishes the relevant elements. Using the image of one's body, it becomes possible to act on simple objects with automatic behavioural patterns. Each silhouette is an instantaneous reflection of the attitudes and gestures of an invention of the screen, and an object with wich another actor may play.