

MAT259 Visualizing Information(4 units)

George Legrady
Charlie Roberts

Lecture: Tuesday 10:00-12:00, Lab: Thursday 10:00-12:00 - e-studio/Arts2220

Lab 1

The "quick start" tutorial on the Switchboard site is basically what we covered in class; working through the beginning of that (up until the images come in) would be a good refresher.

http://www.processing.org --- download Processing from this site
http://www.realtimeart.com/switchboard --- download the Switchboard Library
amazonPic.pde --- code example from class, with comments

Once you get to the Switchboard site, complete the following steps to install the library:

1. Download the library (using the "download" link in the main nav)
2. Unzip the file. This will result in a folder called "library"
3. Go into the directory containing your Processing application. In this directory you will find another directory called "libraries".
4. Go into the "libraries" directory
5. Create a directory named "switchboard" in the libraries directory
6. Drag the folder you unzipped in step 2 ("library") into the "switchboard" directory.
7. The final path should look like this:

Processing123 > libraries > switchboard > library

8. Launch Processing. Add the following line of code to the top of your sketch to import the switchboard library:

import org.switchboard.*;

9. You can also choose Sketch > Import Library > switchboard from the main menu, but it will add a lot of extra lines of code that you don't actually need. However, this is the way you would normally add an extra library in Processing... it just so happens that Switchboard doesn't implement this elegantly.

Assignment 1 due 1/18/07

Using a web service of your choice, access any amount of information in the Switchboard Library and animate it in any manner of your choosing. You can have it fade in and out, change colors, move across the screen, or any other animation of your choice. Post your beautiful creation to the web (using File -> Export in Processing will create the HTML file and Processing file necessary to do this) and then send a link to your sketch along with your code to the list.