

For Current Students

MAT Degree Timeline

Use the information below as a guide to preparing for your final project presentation (Master's or PhD).

  1. Degree Check

    Contact the Graduate Program Assistant (GPA) 1 month prior to your final project presentation in order for her to do a final degree check. (The preliminary degree check should be done at the beginning of the second year for a Master’s student). Let her know the venue for your presentation at this time.

  2. Committee Nomination Form

    Complete and submit the Committee Nomination Form to the GPA. The committee form should be filled out by the beginning of the quarter prior to the quarter of graduation. In fact, this is something students should be thinking about after their first year. Be aware that the form for a thesis requires additional time.

  3. Set Date for Final Presentation

    Coordinate with your advisor and committee a date and time for your final presentation. Three weeks before the final presentation contact the GPA, and give her your title, abstract, and the committee members. She will announce the final presentation to students and faculty with the date, time, and location. The scheduled date should not be during final exam week.

  4. Pre-presentation

    Two weeks prior to your final presentation, make a pre-presentation to your committee; coordinate this with your advisor. Distribute to the committee a draft of your project/thesis. In addition, practice your final presentation, asking colleagues/friends to give you constructive feedback.

  5. Final Presentation

    The final presentation is a public talk, typically 50-60 minutes long including questions. It should be well planned and professional. Pick up the Fulfillment Memo and completed Checklist for Graduation from the GPA the weekday before your final presentation. After a successful final presentation, have the Vice Chair sign the Fulfillment Memo and committee members sign the Checklist for Graduation.

  6. Return Completed Forms to the Graduate Program Assistant

    • Two bound copies of the final project document, thesis, or dissertation along with a PDF of same.
    • Signed Checklist for Graduation.
    • Exit Survey (filled out by student).
    • Signed Fulfillment Memo.

Notes on the composition of degree committees

  • The rules are the same for all academic committees: Masters, Qualifying exam, and PhD.
  • One needs three UC Professors (not Lecturers), including two MAT Professors.
  • The third UC Professor can be from any UC campus.
  • The Chair must be an MAT Professor (including faculty formally affiliated with MAT).
  • There can be a fourth committee member (who does not have to be a professor or an academic).

These rules are set by the UC Academic Senate.