
ARTST 102 Algorithmic Visualization

Cynthia Nelson

Mathematics in Ancient Cultures

Research Topic


Numbers have never been my thing. I've always said that by going through college as an artist, I've stayed as far as humanely possible from anything math related. I can barely even balance my checkbook. It is with extreme irony that now, after I have "graduated" from UCSB I find myself working at a bank. Numbers, numbers, numbers. All day long. Perhaps this daily exposure to them has worn at the edges of my fear, making me less wary of their confusing and cryptic language.

But, as with all languages, it had to start somewhere to be able to grow into what we know of it today. And always the "Cultural Anthropology" girl, this is what I found the most fascinating.

I've discovered a variety of number systems, some that go as far back as 3000 BCE. The majority of them have sprung up in the regions surrounding the Mediterranean and stretching to the Orient. From Egypt and Babylon to Ancient China, numbers (and the systems to write them) have been and integral part of the history of the culture that surrounds them. The Mayan counting system is not quite as ancient, but perhaps is more mysterious. The brilliance that sprang from a rich and diverse culture suddenly ceased to exist and we have yet to know why.

There were seven main ancient numeric systems that have led modern day mathematics to the point at which they stand today. Babylonian, Egyptian, Chinese, Mayan, Greek, Arabic, and Indian. I am going to explore three: Babylonian, Chinese, and Mayan. These civilizations have histories that cross threads little, if at all. This will allow me to explore the rise of possibly significantly original ideas and concepts within the world of mathematics.


The region had been the centre of the Sumerian civilization which flourished before 3500 BC. This was an advanced civilization; building cities and supporting the people with irrigation systems, a legal system, administration, and even a postal service. The Sumerians had developed an abstract form of writing based on cuneiform (wedge-shaped) symbols. Their symbols were written on wet clay tablets which were baked in the hot sun. There are thousands of these that have survived to this day. It was the use of a stylus on a clay medium that led to the use of cuneiform symbols since curved lines could not be drawn. The later Babylonians adopted the same style of cuneiform writing on clay tablets.

Cuneiform numbers could be written using a combination of two symbols: a vertical wedge for '1' and a corner wedge for '10'. The Babylonians had a sexagesimal system and used the concept of place value to write numbers larger than 60. So they had 59 symbols for the numbers 1-59, and then the symbols were repeated in different columns for larger numbers. For example, a '2' in the second column from the right meant (2 x 60)=120, and a '2' in the column third from the right meant (2 x 602)=7200.
Other advancements of the Ancient Babylonians that have survived until today:
*The Babylonians divided the day into 24 hours, each hour into 60 minutes, each minute into 60 seconds. This form of counting has survived for 4000 years.
*The base 60 number system of the Babylonians was successful enough to have worked its way through time to appear in our present day modern world. We still have 60 minutes in an hour, 60 seconds in a minute, 360 degrees in a circle and 60 minutes in a degree.

*Perhaps the most amazing aspect of the Babylonian's calculating skills was their construction of tables to aid calculation. They created tables of reciprocals converted to sexagesimal notation.

*These tables help to aid them in finding square roots. From these came the earliest form of the Quadratic Equation:

x = sqrt[(b/2)2 + c] - (b/2) and x = sqrt[(b/2)2 + c] + (b/2).


" Chinese mathematics," was defined by Chinese in ancient times as the "art of calculation" (suan chu). This art was both a practical and spiritual one, and covered a wide range of subjects from religion and astronomy to water control and administration.
The first true evidence of mathematical activity in China can be found in numeration symbols on tortoise shells and flat cattle bones (commonly called oracle bones, dated from the Shang dynasty (14th century B.C.).

These numerical inscriptions contain both tally and code symbols which are based on a decimal system, and they employed a positional value system. This proves that the Chinese were one of the first civilization to understand and efficiently use a decimal numeration system.

In 1899 a major discovery was made at the archaeological site at the village of Xiao dun in the An-yang district of Henan province. Thousands of bones and tortoise shells were discovered there which had been inscribed with ancient Chinese characters. The site had been the capital of the kings of the Late Shang dynasty from the 14th century BC. The last twelve of the Shang kings ruled here until about 1045 BC and the bones and tortoise shells discovered there had been used as part of religious ceremonies. Questions were inscribed on one side of a tortoise shell, the other side of the shell was then subjected to the heat of a fire, and the cracks which appeared were interpreted as the answers to the questions coming from ancient ancestors.

Around 300 - 0 BCE the main chinese mathematical advancements were calculating square and cube roots, measurement of a circle, and calculating the volume of a pyramid. Systems of linear equations also emerged.

In about the fourteenth century AD the abacus came into use in China. Arithmetical rules for the abacus were analogous to those of the counting board (even square roots and cube roots of numbers could be calculated) but it appears that the abacus was used almost exclusively by merchants who only used the operations of addition and subtraction.


The first findings or writings about the Mayan number system date back to the fourth century A.D. Evidence shows that the Mayan culture of Yucatan and Central America were extremely advanced not only in mathematics, but were believed to be geniuses when it came to time and calendars, astronomy, architecture, and commerce. It is believed that the Mayan culture was obsessed by time and numbers which studies have concluded based on drawings found on historical monuments and stela.

This has to be the ancient numeric system that I am most familiar with, having taken a number of anthropology classes on this culture. The Mayans came up with a vigesimal system that is based on the number 20. (ten fingers, ten toes). The Mayans used a system of dots and bars for counting. A dot (pebble) stood for one and a bar (stick or rod) stood for five. Depending on what level in the column the dots and lines were in would determine how many times it would need to be multiplied by twenty to give the right number. The Mayans wrote their numbers vertically instead of horizontally with the lowest denominations at the bottom, increasing as we move to the top.

Mathematics factored greatly in everyday mayan life. The Maya kept time with a combination of several cycles that meshed together to mark the movement of the sun, moon and Venus. Their ritual calendar, known as the Tzolkin, was composed of 260 days. It pairs the numbers from 1 through 13 with a sequence of 20 day-names. It works something like our days of the week pairing with the numbers of the month. It will take 260 days before the cycle gets back to the begining again (13 x 20).

The Tzolkin calendar was meshed with a 365-day solar cycle called the "Haab". The calendar consisted of 18 months with 20 days (numbered 0-19) and a short "month" of only 5 days that was called the Wayeb and was considered to be a dangerous time. It took 52 years for the Tzolkin and Haab calendars to move through a complete cycle.
Kin = 1 day
Uinal = 20 days (like a month)
Tun = 360 days (year)
K'atun = 7,200 days
Baktun = 144,000






