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Animation is showing every month in every second.

Press 's' to pause the animation. Press 's' again to continue animation.

Drag mouse to move the camera perspective.

Press 'o' to make camera go back to initial position.

Press 'd' to make dots disappear.Press '0' again to make dots re-appear.

Press 'l' to make lines disappear.Press 'l' again to make lines re-appear.

Press '0' to make Media category disappear.Press '0' again to make Media category re-appear.

Press '1' to make Book category disappear.Press '1' again to make Book category re-appear.

Press 'z' to zoom-in. Press 'y' to zoom-out.

Press 't' & 'r' to move the camera along the side vector.

Press 'UP ARROW' key to moves camera along the camera's up vector.

Press 'DOWN ARROW' key to Moves the camera along the view vector.

Press 'LEFT ARROW' or 'RIGHT ARROW' key to Rotates the camera about the up vector.

Source code: project2

Built with Processing