
MAT 259
Qian Liu


2D Frequency Mapping

What is Seattle famous for?

Amazon, Starbucks and preforming Arts.
Seattle owns numerous numbers of of famous Internet, technology and software companies.
Seattle owns the original Starbucks and is famous for coffee industry.
Seattle has been a regional center for the perfuming arts for many years.

This project is based on the interest of giving the data a "local" meaning rather than just treat it as general data. Since most of the people who is using the library should be local residents, Culture Cellular tends to find out the relationship between the books being checked out and local residents' interest. Four identical topics have been chosen for this visualization: technology(Medical science), Arts(performing Arts), Food and Drink and Economy as they all have a closer relationship with the city -- seattle.

Start From Doodles

Initial Doodle

Working Process
Get familar with the data and pick the righte catalog to work on:

Find the best way to display the data:

Coding and Solve techinical problems:

Choose color panel:


Final Visual
As warm color will have a stronger effect on the audience's feelings, instead of choose both cold and warm tones in the same visual, this project just keeps the warm tone color from the color panel to visualize the data

From different perspectives, two versions of visualizations have been maked. VERSION I tends to get a general idea about the book numbers of different categories and is using a daily based data. VERSION II has a more detail way approaching the data, althought using a monthly based data, it compares different daily data from each subcategories. Based on the checked in books number, the alpha value changes, which means the deeper the color is, the more books from that subcategory is being checked in.


Display with Each Catalog's detail data

Display with the hexagon grid

Go to Applet for VERSION I


Display with Each Catalog's detail data

Display with category number and book number

Go to Applet for VERSION II

KeyBoard Control
Arrow Keys:
UP: show or not show the number and percentage of each category in a daily checked in       base(VERSION I)
      show or not show the plot details(VERSION II)
DOWN: show or not show the hexagon grid
LEFT: get previous year's data
RIGHT: get next year's data

Number Keys:
1: Economic Category's detail - subcategory names and checked in numbers
2: Technology(medicial science) Category's detail - subcategory names and checked in numbers
3: Family living's detail - subcategory names and checked in numbers
4: Arts(performing arts) Category's detail - subcategory names and checked in numbers

1: Political science Category's detail - subcategory names and checked in numbers
2: Economic Category's detail - subcategory names and checked in numbers
3: Technology(medicial science) Category's detail - subcategory names and checked in numbers
4: Family living's detail - subcategory names and checked in numbers
5: Music Category's detail - subcategory names and checked in numbers
6: Arts(performing arts) Category's detail - subcategory names and checked in numbers