Google Correlate Christo de Clerck Export data from Mysql and correlate with Google Correlate: 1. Run query 2. a) In HeidiSQL, right click the results and click "Export grid data to file". b) in Sequel Pro click on the sprocket icon below the results pane and select "export results". 3. Save as a csv file. 4. Important: you will need to go into a text editor or Excel and make sure that the first row of your exported data is a date and value. It must NOT be titles for the columns. 4. Go to: and select "Enter your own data" next to the search field 5. Click "choose file" and select your file, give it a moment to load. 6. Enter a name for the Time Series. 7. Hit Search. SELECT DATE_FORMAT(ckoutDateTime, '%Y-%m-%d') as checkoutDate, count(barcode) FROM transactionsall WHERE (title LIKE '%Toy Story%' OR subject1 LIKE '%Toy Story%' ) AND YEAR(ckoutDateTime) > '2005' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(ckoutDateTime, '%Y-%m-%d'); SELECT DATE_FORMAT(ckoutDateTime, '%Y-%m-%d') AS checkoutDate, count(barcode) FROM transactionsall WHERE (title LIKE '%olympics%' OR subject1 LIKE '%olympics%') AND YEAR(ckoutDateTime) > '2005' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(ckoutDateTime, '%Y-%m-%d');