Two Dimensions Visualization | From Clock to Dewey |

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by Andres Burbano | 2009 | Visualization Class | Media Arts and Technology | University of California Santa Barbara |


A twelve hours clock shape is the base of a data visualizatin. The data set comes from the Seattle Public Library and now is working with only one day. The interaction works as a zoom (mouse Y axis movement). The zoom works in a literal way and also as a simbolic way, because it is changing scales (hours, log (10), log (2), 10 categories) while the zoom goes in. In the visualization we can see information about, Total Traffic, Check In Check Out, and Dewey Categories, all of them differentiated in hours a day (10 hours between 10:00 am to 8:00 pm).


1. Genotype
"This radial diagram produced by The New York Times and Martin Krzywinski, the developer of Circos, represents the number of small molecules, called methyl groups, attached to segments of chromosome 22 across seven different types of human tissue."

"Methyl groups are one part of the epigenome, which controls how genes are expressed in different types of cells."

"Author(s): Jonathan Corum, Martin Krzywinski"

2. Rodchenko

"Rodchenko was one of the most versatile Constructivist and Productivist artists to emerge after the Russian Revolution. He worked as a painter and graphic designer before turning to photomontage and photography. His photography was socially engaged, formally innovative, and opposed to a painterly aesthetic. Concerned with the need for analytical-documentary photo series, he often shot his subjects from odd angles—usually high above or below—to shock the viewer and to postpone recognition."


"He wrote: "One has to take several different shots of a subject, from different points of view and in different situations, as if one examined it in the round rather than looked through the same key-hole again and again."

Original Sketch


Source code: project_02_assable_web Transaction TransactionUtils

Built with Processing