PeasyCam cam; ArrayList transactions = null; //create a container for transactions from the data int squareSize = 5; //sets the size of the squares being drawn int counter = 0; //counter to keep track of the transactions being used. ControlP5 controlP5; controlP5.Button prev, next; PMatrix3D currCameraMatrix; PGraphics3D g3; ControlGroup l; Slider zoomS, opacityS, bgcolorS, animationS; CheckBox checkbox; int zoom,lastZoom,opacity, bgcolor, animationSpeed; Textlabel mySmallTextlabel, nowViewingLabel; Integrator slide; float[] rotations = new float[3]; float cLength = 70; String nvw; float value = 0; int mo; int formatsPresent; HashMap itemTypes; String[] formats = { "}","}","}","}","}","}","}","}","}","}","}","}","}","}","}","}","}","}","}","}","}","}","}","}","}","}","}","}","}","}","}","}","}","}","}" }; char[] wk = new char[] { 'M', 'T', 'W' , 'R' , 'F', 'S', 'S' }; String[] daysOfWeek = { " ", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday","Sunday"}; final int YI = 10; final int XI = 10; final int ZI = 10; boolean lg, dr, ln, still,inout,spherical,ax,lb; boolean lgT, drT, lnT, stillT,inoutT,sphericalT,axT,lbT = false; int stillPos; float x,y,z,lx,ly,lz,xd,yd,zd,xdp,ydp,zdp; int frame; int modval; PFont flyFont; float maxTime = 0; float minTime = 50; PGraphicsOpenGL pgl; GL gl;