MAT251 01F
Courses:MAT251 01F:Schedule

Description MAT251 01F

Instructor: George Legrady
TA: Andreas Schlegel

Monday 5-7pm - HSSB 1174, Wednesday 5-7pm - Estudio


M 9.24 Introduction to TrackthemColors

M 10.1 Input Mechanisms and Interactive Interfaces
Refs: Garrin, Fujihata, Rokeby, Courschene

M 10.8 Interactivity and Narrative
Refs: Zannos, Viola, Murakami

M 10.15 Planning your Project
(storyboard/script notes) Refs: Fujihata, Schnabel, C3, Sermon

M 10.22 Art Studio Visit Demonstration
Refs:Legrady, Budgett

M 10.29 Human-Computer Interface
Refs:Matthew Turk

M 11.05 Interactive Concepts & LoTech & Noisy Systems

M 11.12 Holiday

M 11.19 Data as Material
Refs: Lynn, Weinbren, Art+Com, Alouieni

M 11.26 Production