All topics and dates are tentative
Date Topic Supplemental Materials

Conway's Game of Life Link: Wikipedia
Link: Original Scientific American article

The Mandelbrot Set Link: Wikipedia
Link: Wikipedia, Julia Sets
Link: The Fractal Geometry of Nature

Mandelbrot Potential Link: Exploring the Mandelbrot Set
Link: Coloring Dynamical Systems in the Complex Plane
Link: Ray Tracing Deterministic 3-D Fractals
Link: Wikipedia, Buddhabrot
Link: Wikipedia, Mandelbulb

Newton fractals Link: Wikipedia - Newton fractals
Link: Wikipedia - Newton-Raphson iteration

Diffusion Limited Aggregation Link: Wikipedia
Link: Original Physical Review Letters article
Link: The Dielectric Breakdown Model
Link: The conformal mapping method
Link: The potential distribution around growing fractal clusters
Link: My version

Finite Differences - Gradients Link: Wikipedia
Link: Mathworld

The Heat Equation Link: Wikipedia - the heat equation
Link: Wikipedia - the Laplacian
Link: Wikipedia - the CFL condition

Reaction-Diffusion Link: Wikipedia
Link: Turing's original article, "The Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis"
Link: Turing patterns in the laboratory
Link: Greg Turk's version
Link: Witkin and Kass' version
Link: My version
Link: The "Turing Test" paper
Book: Alan Turing: The Enigma
Book: A Madman Dreams of Turing Machines

The Wave Equation Link: Wikipedia
Link: Simulating Ocean Water
Link: A Numerically Efficient and Stable Algorithm for Animating Water Waves
Link: Rapid, stable fluid dynamics for computer graphics

Vibration Link: Wikipedia - Vibration
Link: Wikipedia - Can One Hear the Shape of a Drum?
Link: Can One Hear the Shape of a Drum?
Book: Theory of Vibration

Noise Link: Perlin's original article
Link: Improving noise
Link: Wavelet noise
Link: Procedural noise using sparse Gabor convolution
Link: Anisotropic noise (the one we implement)

Scalar Turbulence Link: Perlin's original article
Link: Improving noise
Link: Wavelet noise
Link: Procedural noise using sparse Gabor convolution
Link: Anisotropic noise (the one we implement)

Incompressibility Link: Curl Noise
Link: Wavelet Turbulence
Link: Evolving sub-grid turbulence for smoke animation
Link: Fast animation of turbulence using energy transport and procedural synthesis

Final Presentations