Ivana Andjelkovic

PhD student
Multimedia Engineering
ivana (at) mat.ucsb.edu


Ivana is interested in sonifying bio-signals, exploring possibilities for non-verbal communication via such signals and neurological perspective on music therapy. She is a programmer, enjoys playing with sound synthesis and composing music.



Micheal Hetrick

MS student
Electronic Music & Sound Design
mhetrick (at) umail.ucsb.edu

Michael Hetrick is a lifelong musician and lover of sound. His work is created at the intersection of live improvisation and deep studio wizardry. He is also a programmer, working on creating new tools for video and audio synthesis. His hobbies include craft beer, modular synthesis, being a huge geek, and maybe finally learning how to cook. It is 10:08 PM, he is located in his apartment, and he is feeling content.


F. Myles Scotio

PhD student
Visual & Spatial Arts
Sense, Sensors & Sensation.


Myles is interested in the experimentation and production of alternative forms of experience, blurring the threshold of both spatial and temporal constructions. Beginning with the question: How is the current understanding of how we experience our surroundings becoming affected by the digital networks, persuasive computing and meta-senses which are beginning to be embedded within the existing physical environment? These new paradigms require new tools, techniques and theories in the formation of our future world, and architecture's responsibility is to be at the vanguard of conceptualization, experimentation and generation of these new dimensions of space.