


EmoRate is an application that demonstrates the power of Affective Computing, a technology that allows computers to detect and react to human emotions and will change drastically the way we interact with them in our daily lives.

Brain in the key of EEG

A concert using an audience connected to eeg's which acts as melodies and heartbeats as the tempos ans rhythm. The exploring the interaction between humans and machine “cyborgs”... an interest in an instrument when an entire audience becomes a cyborg.

Emotion Map

The project involved weekly workshops with 80 local Greenwich Peninsula residents with the aim of re-exploring the area afresh with the help of a Bio Mapping device. The device invented by the artist measures the wearer's Galvanic Skin Response (GSR), which is an indicator of emotional arousal in conjunction with the wearer's geographical location.

Unstable empathy

An Unstable Emphaty is a reactive environment constantly remediated in real-time by the mind activity of two players which are constantly forced to negotiate their emphatic state. It's a collaborative game in which the meanings of cooperation, entangling and collective consciusness are directly perceived on the physiological level.


The Sensorium is a neurofeedback environment that allows people to experience signals from their nonperceptible body processes visually and auditorily. In a pilot study, 20 participants have been exposed to their ongoing brain and heart signals while sitting inside the Sensorium, a small room equipped with a speaker and lighting system. Almost all of them reported an increase in contentment, relaxation, happiness, and inner harmony. They also reported a widening in their body consciousness. In future, therapeutic paradigms will be developed and the treatment effects on people with psychosomatic diseases will be evaluated.





[1] EEG Feature Extraction for Classifying Emotions using FCM and FKM - M.Murugappan,M.Rizon, RNagarajan, S.Yaacob, I.Zunaidi, and D.Hazry

[2] Emotion Assessment: Arousal Evaluation Using EEG's and Peripheral Physiological Signals - Guillaume Chanel, Julien Kronegg, Didier Grandjean, Thierry Pun

[3] Emotion Classification Based on Gamma-band EEG - Mu Li and Bao-Liang Lu

[4] Emotion Recognition From EEG Using Higher Order Crossings - Panagiotis C. Petrantonakis and Leontios J. Hadjileontiadis

[5] Remarks on Emotion Recognition from Bio-Potential
Signals - Kazuhiko Takahashi

[6] Studies of Emotion
A Theoretical and Emperical Review of Psychophysiological Studies of Emotion - Christopher P. Niemic