MAT200A 03W

Barb Noren

Computer driven Performance


   Historical Theater (past)
   Theater form today (present)
   Theater of Totality (future)

   Man-Computer Symbiosis


"Theater, Circus, Variety," Theater of the Bauhaus (1924)

In this article, Moholy-Nagy suggests three evolutions of theater. The first, "the historical theater," is a form we are well accustomed to. This theater focuses on a written script, or improvisation using words (what Moholy-Nagy terms a "literary encumbrance"). All aspects of this theater are propoganda for the narration. Examples of this are many: lighting on the speaking actor, written scripts, amplification of the actor's voice and music to accompany and never overpower it. August Stramm moves away from this, utilizing aspects of motion and sound.