
The exhibit space consists of a large circular room with a domed ceiling that is completely white. The lack of corners allows for a comfortable flow in and out of the space, the white environment makes the visitors standout while the smaller size of the room keeps people physically close together. This is optimal for the person wearing the glasses because they can easily toggle from friend to friend. The room is 20' across and has a 12' high ceiling. There is a short entrance hall (6'long) leading into the exhibit space that has floor to ceiling mirrors running along both walls. When the viewer(s) enter the space they are forced, by the mirrored hallway, to recognize themselves and consider who is around them (the physical traits). The glasses are displayed on a white pedestal that also functions to conceal the machine. This pedestal is in the right half of the room towards the back and is 1'x1'x3'. There is a lounge area made up of two sofas on the left side of the room. This lounge area gives visitors a place to relax after walking around the gallery and invites people to stay a while which gives the person wearing the glasses a chance to look them over.