

MAT End of Year Show



(Start of the Year Media Arts and Design Engineering and Science)


Exhibition | Performances

  • Thursday May 12th, 6 - 9pm • Open Labs/Research Day • Elings Hall, UCSB
  • Friday May 27th, 6 - 9pm • End of Year Show Part 1 • Elings Hall, UCSB
  • Thursday June 2nd, 5 - 10pm • End of Year Show Part 2 • SBCAST (Santa Barbara Center for Art, Science and Technology) in downtown Santa Barbara.

During the open labs event on May 12, visitors will be able to engage with and learn about ongoing research endeavors in the program and its constitutive labs.

The event on May 27 in Elings Hall is our traditional End of Year Show, and showcases graduate student work that connects media art, design and engineering. These works represent the mission of MAT: to enable the creation of hybrid work that informs both scientific and aesthetic discourses.

The event on June 2 at SBCAST will be an evening of performances and research showcases, including the performance SONG CYCLE by Chis Kallmyer and collaborators as well as a set by the MATP very own Curtis Roads.


syMADES poster animation

Elings Hall

The transLAB

The transLAB

The AlloSphere

The AlloSphere
